A high-stakes, character-driven docuseries that uncovers the devotion and resilience of Overtime Elite’s (OTE) players and coaches through every loss and victory—on and off the court.
S02: As the league expands this season, step inside three teams from across the country as their key leaders face intense adversity—both on and off the court. Coach Pete struggles to sustain his under-funded program in the Bronx. Nigerian Somto Cyril, attempts to prove he's primed for the big leagues. Jeremiah Johnson battles to rebuild his career after a shooting left him temporarily paralyzed.
Premiere DateSep 4, 2023
S02E01 A Dream Costs Everything
Hopes are high as three new teams strive to prove they belong in the league. Coach Pete rallies his underfunded Bronx squad for battle. Jeremiah attempts a basketball comeback after nearly losing his life. Nigerian phenom Somto is determined to reach the NBA, but his season could be over before it even begins.
- S02