The story revolves around two detectives who investigate mysterious incidents in a village. The drama will reinterpret those events and the characters in the book to match Korean sentiments and show the ugly side of human nature.
When Go Jung Woo was younger, he was smart enough to be on the early admission list to medical school. After taking his SAT (scholastic ability test), he went on a trip, but ever since that day, he became a murderer. He returns to his hometown after being released from prison and comes across what happened 11 years ago.
Premiere DateAug 16, 2024
- Byun Yo-han as Go Jung-woo
- Go Joon as Noh Sang-cheol
- Go Bo-gyeol as Choi Na-kyum
- Kim Bo-ra as Ha-seol
- Bae Jong-ok as Ye Young-sil
- Kwon Hae-hyo as Hyun Gu-tak
- Lee Ga-sub as Hyun Su-oh
- Jeong-hwan Kong as Park Hyeong-sik
- Kim Mi-kyeong as Jeong Geum-hee
- Ahn Nae-sang as Ko Chang-su
- Jo Jae-yun as Shim Dong-min
- Park Mi-hyun as Lee Jae-hee
- Cha Soon-bae as Yang Heung-soo
- Lee Du-il as Shin Chu-ho
- Jang Won-young as Kim Hee-do
Jeong-woo is investigating his mother's accident, but Detective Noh Sang-cheol starts to suspect him after learning about his identity. Ha Seol, who becomes interested in past incidents in the village, discovers unusual bones and becomes intrigued.
- S01